The term "Remate" is not found in any Musical Dictionary or Glossary that I could find. This leads me to
believe that it is a term completely confined to the world of Tex-Mex music. The basic concept is an open area of a song,
mostly in Corridos or Rancheras, that can support an improvisation by the accordionist. This will generally happen between
verses or after a bridge or a chorus, before the song goes on to the next part, whether it be a chorus, verse etc. The
structure of many of the songs are similar, for example in the key of G: G G
G G D7 D7 D7 D7 G G etc. Let's
say that the verse flows over the whole thing and there is an area where the verse finishes, about the time that we return
to the G chord. At this point the accordion can start a melody and continue it for as long as he likes. (This
is the remate) When he finishes he plays a sharp, stacatto on the G chord (Da, da, da) to indicate that he is finished
with the improvisation, and then the singer enters with the next verse. Stay tuned for some adornos for remates.