Dave's Tex - Mex, Tejano, Conjunto Site for the Diatonic Button Accordion - Ahora Bilingüe

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The Basics of the Three Row Accordion

Some Basic Three Row Accordion Facts.

There are many different button accordion configurations so before you start you should be sure that you are playing an accordion that is appropriate for the type of music that you want to play, in this case Tex-Mex, Norteña, Conjunto, Tejano music.

Standard Three Row Diatonic Accordion

Standard Two Row Diatonic Accordion

One Row Diatonic Accordion for Zydeco Cajun

Chromatic Accordion or Bayan

The most appropriate accordion for Tejano, Tex Mex, Norteña or Conjunto music is the three row Diatonic accordion, which comes in four different tunings, La (ADG), Sol (GCF), Fa (FBbEb) and Mi (EAD).
Each row of a three row button accordion represents a scale.
The row  farthest from the bellows is G.  The middle row is C and the row closest to the bellows is F.
For the purposes of this site we will use a numbering system to
show you where to put your fingers.  If we say F3 you should put your finger on the third button of the F row.
F3C6 would be the third button of the F row and the sixth button of the C row.
The same notation but within brackets [F3C6] would mean to play these notes while closing the bellows.  If no brackets appear, play theses notes while opening.  (the majority of the Tex-Mex style is played while opening the bellow.
If there are single notes on the same line we will just note the row
once: F3,4,5 6 etc.  This would mean playing the 3,4,5,6th note on the
F row.
All phrases are broken up by commas.
One point to remember as you learn the 3- row - Diatonic Button Accordion is that the music commonly played on this instrument is a type of Folk Music.  The musicians who developed this music over the years were not studying in a conservatory or an academy of music.  They were learning by ear and passing down the culture of this music from generation to generation.  Therefore, you may find certain concepts which use a very specific terminology which is exclusive to this instrument and style.  These terms could clash with "Classical Music Terminology."  Wherever possible I will try to make it clear where there is a difference between Tex - Mex concepts and regular music concepts.