Dave's Tex - Mex, Tejano, Conjunto Site for the Diatonic Button Accordion - Ahora Bilingüe

Intro en Español
**Mission Statement**
**The Tex Mex Accordion**
**The Basics**
**GFC Accordion**
**Señor Maestro Program**
**Major Scales**
**Chromatic Scale**
Right hand position
**Preparation for 3rds**
**Music Theory**
**Music Theory 2**
Music Theory 3
**Circle of Fifths**
**Arpeggios for the GFC Box**
Practicing with a metronome
Trinos and Apoyaturas
Thirds and Sixes
**Ear Training**
Music Theory Quiz
Music Theory Quiz 2
Music Theory Quiz 3
Finding the Song Key
Remates and improvisations
Bellows Technique
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Chromatic Scale

Learning to play the Chromatic Scale can be a challenge.

Eventually you will discover that there are many passages that use the chromatic scale and will want to be proficient and smooth when you play this scale.
What is a chromatic scale?  If we were playing a piano, we would play all the keys, (black and white) between C and C.
This would be the Chromatic Scale starting on C:
C  C#/Db  D  D#/Eb  E  F  F#/Gb  G  G#/Ab  A  A#/Bb  B  C
In the following Diagram we play:

G3, (G1), C3, G1, F2 or G4, C4, G5, F3, C1, C5, F4, C6, G7


At this point we can continue to the second octave using the F1 button for C# and D#.  The chromatic scale is only complete in the first octave.