Dave's Tex - Mex, Tejano, Conjunto Site for the Diatonic Button Accordion - Ahora Bilingüe

Intro en Español
**Mission Statement**
**The Tex Mex Accordion**
**The Basics**
**GFC Accordion**
**Señor Maestro Program**
**Major Scales**
**Chromatic Scale**
Right hand position
**Preparation for 3rds**
**Music Theory**
**Music Theory 2**
Music Theory 3
**Circle of Fifths**
**Arpeggios for the GFC Box**
Practicing with a metronome
Trinos and Apoyaturas
Thirds and Sixes
**Ear Training**
Music Theory Quiz
Music Theory Quiz 2
Music Theory Quiz 3
Finding the Song Key
Remates and improvisations
Bellows Technique
The Basses
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Adornos, Melodies etc.
This is the area of playing that seems to take the longest time to develop.  You will need a good understanding of the scales in single notes, plus the thirds and the sixes.
Whenever I heard a song I really liked, I always asked myself, How does that guy do that?  The answer is really pretty simple.  He knows the song like the back of his hand.  In other words, the musician understands what chords are being played and which scales and arpeggios will go over those chords.  An understanding of basic chord theory is essential here.
I suggest keeping in mind one important fact whilepracticing the thirds and sixes:  The thirds follow the general order of chords.
1 major
2 minor
3 minor
4 major
5 major
6 minor
7 minor7b5
This means that when you play F3C6, which is the G with a third, it is a G major interval.  Following that in the key of G, the G67 is the A with a third but this is a minor third interval.  And so on.  
Here are a few typical adornos I have picked up that can be used in Boleros, Rancheras and Corridos.
After you learn them, try to play them in different keys.
In D
G2x4, G56, G2x2, F23, G2, C3G5
The same adorno in G
C3x4, C67, C3x2, G67, C3, F3C6
Follow that one with:
F3C6, G5, G4, C3, G5, G6, G7, G6, G6, F3C6
And then:
C2, G3, C3, G4, C3, G3, C2, G3, C2, G2, [G2] OR [G2, G3, G4, G5]
Mix them up, play them in different orders etc. etc.

Here is another adorno in G and in D that is very important in the development of adornos to accompany singers.
In G
F3, C5, F4, F7C6
In D
C3, G4, C4, G5C7
Practice this pattern until you have it really fast.  It should be played 1,2,3,4 in one beat. You will find it used in many songs, for example "Contrabando y Traicion" by Los Tigres del Norte.
I will be adding tabs of some typical adornos with sound bites as I go.